Quality assurance is not about processes or procedures, it is rather a mission that needs everyone attention and support (students, academic and administrative staff) to understand and practice activities in keeping with quality standardizes in the College. Quality work requires assessing fitness of purpose, effective management, employability of graduates, standardization of procedures and innovative teaching, learning and community engagements to keep our College competitive and be sustainable in this globalize education , to fulfill the mission and vision of a College and to contribute for the development of the country.
The aim of the Kanenus College’s quality assurance policy is to enhance the effectiveness of its core activities of teaching, research and community outreaches. The policy addresses all areas of the College’s activities focusing on their contribution to and in alignment with the College’s strategic goals.
Cognizant of these facts, the office of quality assurance (QAD) is established as one of the Corporate Offices under the College; and given a mandate of ensuring quality teaching-learning, research, training and service delivery through a regular review and improvement process. The quality assurance activity is a continuous process. It is, therefore, hoped that lessons could be learnt during the implementation of the laid down vision, mission and goals of the College.
Consequently, the Kane Nus College through this policy instrument takes positive and proactive steps to ensure quality teaching-learning, research and community outreach services relevant to the needs of the institution. This policy specifies the College’s approach to quality assurance and continuous improvement as well as its principles, features, structures and standards.
As higher institution, the quality assurance office of the College would assure the quality of Kane Nus College’s educational programs through three mechanisms: internal self-assessment, an external peer review based on the self-assessment and monitoring and follow up.
Internally, the office will make sure that the program’s policies and mechanisms fulfill its own purposes and objectives, as well as they meet set standards and benchmarks of the College. On the other hand, Kane Nus College should facilitate conditions for external review of its programs and operations by government quality assurance agency like HERQA, to determine whether it is meeting the agreed standards or assure quality through accreditation, assessment or audit. In the meantime, the office of quality assurance will work in collaboration with the external audit team by providing support on their activities. Accordingly, it is also important to monitor and follow-up the enhancement activities of the College, which will be carried out after getting feedbacks from self-institutional audit report and external assessment result.
Kanenus College is a dynamic community of students, scholars and staff committed to performing at the highest standards. Its approach to quality assurance and continuous improvement is to learn from best practice, locally and internationally, and benchmark against leading universities.
Accordingly this quality assurance guideline is prepared in order to implement the college’s quality assurance policy and to design checklists for self-evaluation of the college’s operations.